
GoSquared is one of the most powerful analytic resources there is. GoSquared truly shines when it comes to understanding specific user actions. This widget integrates the analytics into your site and gives you the option to track specific events. If you do not already have an account, you can sign up for one here.

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How to use

To use this widget, begin by signing up for a GoSquared account. Once you sign in, you'll be given your GoSquared site token.

Copy this code and place it into the widget.

Now just place the widget on your Master Page(s) and publish your site!

Track events

Tracking events means that you're wanting to track specific clicks. For example, let's say I have a promotion for a widget I made. If I want to see how many times the button is clicked and what pages the button performs the best on I would use this event tracking feature.

To track text links, use Character Styles . To do this, select the text and then open the Character Styles panel. With the text still selected, create a new character style. Give your Character Style a name (make sure you use all lower case letters with no spaces). The name that you give the Chracter Style will be the text that you enter into the Graphic/Character Style part of the widget.

To track button or image links, use Graphic Styles . To do this, select the object that you're wanting to track and open the Graphic Styles panel. With the object still selected, create a new Graphic Style. Give your Graphic Style a name (make sure you use all lower case letters with no spaces). The name that you give the Graphic Style will be the text that you enter into the Graphic/Character Style part of the widget.

Container ID The GoSquared ID is an alphnumeric code that begins with GSN-. Tip — e.g. GSN-183520-B
Track Events Enables the ability to track events
Event Label A label for what it is that you are tracking.
Graphic/Character Style The name of the Graphic or Character style that you have applied to your link.
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